#include #include #include #include #include /* Global output controls */ #define OC1 0 #define OC2 0 /* Store all the things */ #define MAX_THINGS 4096 static char store[MAX_THINGS]; /* A punned type for row,column coordinate pairs, allowing them to * be used either separately as individual coordinates or together * as reading-order sort keys */ union location { struct { #if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ uint8_t col; uint8_t row; #else uint8_t row; uint8_t col; #endif }; uint16_t all; }; /* Some of the things are things that do things */ #define MAX_ACTORS 256 static struct actor { union location loc; char dead; char team; int16_t hit_points; char attack_power; char padding; } actors[MAX_ACTORS], *new_actor = actors; /* In teams */ #define ELF 'E' #define GOBLIN 'G' #define INITIAL_HP 200 #define INITIAL_AP 3 /* Actors play on a notionally rectangular stage */ #define MAX_ROWS (1 << 8 * sizeof ((union location *)0)->row) #define MAX_COLS (1 << 8 * sizeof ((union location *)0)->col) static char *stage[MAX_ROWS], **last_row; /* Get character from stage at location */ static char inline char_at(union location loc) { return stage[loc.row][loc.col]; } /* Put character on stage at location */ static void inline show_at(union location loc, char c) { stage[loc.row][loc.col] = c; } /* Put character on stage at location of actor */ static void inline show_for(struct actor *a, char c) { show_at(a->loc, c); } /* Location movements */ static inline union location go_up(union location l) { l.row -= 1; return l; } static inline union location go_left(union location l) { l.col -= 1; return l; } static inline union location go_right(union location l) { l.col += 1; return l; } static inline union location go_down(union location l) { l.row += 1; return l; } /* Location bounds checks */ static inline int can_go_up(union location l) { return l.row > 0 && l.col < stage[l.row] - stage[l.row - 1]; } static inline int can_go_left(union location l) { return l.col > 0; } static inline int can_go_right(union location l) { return char_at(go_right(l)) >= ' '; /* null or newline marks end of row */ } static inline int can_go_down(union location l) { return l.row < last_row - stage; } /* Look at all the things */ void see_stage() { printf("---\n%s", store); } /* and their innards */ void see_actors() { puts(""); for (int row = 0; row <= last_row - stage; row++) { char *separator = ""; for (struct actor *a = actors; a < new_actor; a++) { if (a->loc.row == row) { printf("%s%2d %2d %s%c(%3d)", separator, a - actors, a->loc.col, "~"+!a->dead, a->team, a->hit_points ); separator = "; "; } } putchar('\n'); } } /* A sort comparator for actors */ static int actor_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct actor *a_ = a, *b_ = b; int result = a_->dead - b_->dead; if (!result) result = a_->loc.all - b_->loc.all; return result; } /* Sort actors */ static void sort_actors() { qsort(actors, new_actor - actors, sizeof (struct actor), actor_cmp); } /* Look up an actor by location. Can't rely on actors being sorted * every time this will be needed, so it has to be a linear search. * Should boil down to a SCASW instruction on x86 with any luck. */ static inline struct actor *actor_at(union location loc) { for (struct actor *a = actors; a < new_actor; a++) { if (a->loc.all == loc.all && !a->dead) return a; } return 0; } /* Get all the things */ #define IO_ERROR 5 #define MAP_TOO_BIG 4 #define TOO_MANY_ROWS 3 #define ROW_TOO_WIDE 2 #define TOO_MANY_ACTORS 1 static int build_world(char pathname[]) { int error = IO_ERROR; FILE *input = fopen(pathname, "r"); if (input) { error = MAP_TOO_BIG; store[fread(store, 1, sizeof store - 1, input)] = '\0'; if (feof(input)) { int need_another_row = 0; last_row = stage; new_actor = actors; error = 0; for (char *p = *last_row = store; *p; p++) { if (need_another_row) { if (last_row - stage >= MAX_ROWS - 1) { error = TOO_MANY_ROWS; break; } else { *++last_row = p; need_another_row = 0; } } if (0) printf("---\n[%d][%d]:'%c'\n", last_row - stage, p - *last_row, *p); if (*p == '\n') { need_another_row = 1; } else if (p - *last_row >= MAX_COLS) { error = ROW_TOO_WIDE; break; } else if (*p == ELF || *p == GOBLIN) { if (new_actor - actors >= MAX_ACTORS) { error = TOO_MANY_ACTORS; break; } else { struct actor *a = new_actor++; a->loc.col = p - *last_row; a->loc.row = last_row - stage; a->team = *p; a->dead = 0; a->hit_points = INITIAL_HP; a->attack_power = INITIAL_AP; a->padding = 0; } } if (0) see_stage(), see_actors(); } } fclose(input); } if (OC1) see_stage(), see_actors(); } /* Find an enemy within range */ static struct actor *enemy_in_range(struct actor *a) { int weakest = INT_MAX; struct actor *enemy = 0; #define check(way) \ if (can_go_##way(a->loc)) { \ union location loc = go_##way(a->loc); \ char c = char_at(loc); \ if ((c == ELF || c == GOBLIN) && c != a->team) { \ struct actor *e = actor_at(loc); \ if (e->hit_points < weakest) { \ weakest = e->hit_points; \ enemy = e; \ } \ } \ } check(up) check(left) check(right) check(down) #undef check return enemy; } /* Actor fight enemy */ static void attack(struct actor *boxer, struct actor *raptor) { show_for(boxer, '@'); show_for(raptor, '!'); if (OC1) see_stage(), see_actors(); if ((raptor->hit_points -= boxer->attack_power) <= 0) { raptor->dead = 1; show_for(raptor, '~'); } if (OC1) see_stage(), see_actors(); show_for(boxer, boxer->team); if (raptor->dead) show_for(raptor, '.'); else show_for(raptor, raptor->team); if (OC1) see_stage(), see_actors(); return; } /* Now for the algorithm that this entire scenario was an excuse for */ #define NO_ENEMIES 2 #define NO_ENEMY 1 int approach_enemy(struct actor *a) { static union location queue[MAX_THINGS]; union location *head = queue, *tail = queue; union location *in_range_list; union location adj, target; int searching = NO_ENEMY; /* Add all enemy locations to the queue */ for (struct actor *e = actors; e < new_actor; e++) { if (e->team != a->team && !e->dead) { *tail++ = e->loc; } } /* If there were no enemies there is no more to do */ if (tail == queue) return NO_ENEMIES; /* Mark and queue all possible in-range locations */ for (in_range_list = tail; head < in_range_list; head++) { #define check(way) \ if ( \ can_go_##way(*head) && \ char_at(adj = go_##way(*head)) == '.' \ ) { \ show_at(adj, '?'); \ *tail++ = adj; \ } check(up) check(left) check(right) check(down) #undef check } if (OC1) see_stage(), see_actors(); /* Flood-fill the stage starting from own location until * the edge of the flood touches an in-range location. * Do the flood in waves where all the locations added * during any given wave are equally distant from the * actor, and stop adding new waves once an in-range * location has been encountered. During the last wave, * remember the in-range location that's first in * reading order. */ head = tail; *tail++ = a->loc; target.row = MAX_ROWS - 1; target.col = MAX_COLS - 1; while (searching && head < tail) { union location *wave_tail = tail; while (head < wave_tail) { union location loc = *head++; #define check(way, marker) \ if (can_go_##way(loc)) { \ switch (char_at(adj = go_##way(loc))) { \ case '?': \ searching = 0; \ if (adj.all < target.all) target = adj; \ show_at(adj, marker); \ break; \ case '.': \ show_at(adj, marker); \ *tail++ = adj; \ } \ } check(up, 'v') check(left, '>') check(right, '<') check(down, '^') #undef check if (0) see_stage(), see_actors(); } if (0) see_stage(), see_actors(); } if (OC2) see_stage(), see_actors(); /* If the flood reached a target rather than just filling up * all reachable locations, follow the trail back to its source * and then take the first step onto it */ if (!searching) { do { adj = target; switch (char_at(adj)) { case 'v': target = go_down(adj); break; case '>': target = go_right(adj); break; case '<': target = go_left(adj); break; case '^': target = go_up(adj); break; default: stage[0][0] = '*'; goto failsafe; } show_at(adj, '.'); if (OC2) see_stage(), see_actors(); } while (target.all != a->loc.all); a->loc = adj; } failsafe: /* Erase all the flood markers */ for (union location *p = in_range_list; p < tail; p++) { show_at(*p, '.'); if (0) see_stage(), see_actors(); } show_for(a, a->team); if (OC1) see_stage(), see_actors(); return searching; } /* Enough messing about, get on with it */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int error, rounds, points; error = build_world(argc > 1? argv[1]: "input.txt"); /* Play rounds until combat ends */ if (!error && actors < new_actor) for (rounds = 0; ; rounds++) { /* Each actor takes a turn */ for (struct actor *a = actors; a < new_actor; a++) { if (!a->dead) { show_for(a, '@'); struct actor *enemy; if (enemy = enemy_in_range(a)) attack(a, enemy); else switch(approach_enemy(a)) { case NO_ENEMIES: goto combat_over; case NO_ENEMY: break; default: if (enemy = enemy_in_range(a)) attack(a, enemy); } show_for(a, a->team); } } /* Put actors back into reading order and bury the dead. */ sort_actors(); while (new_actor > actors && new_actor[-1].dead) new_actor--; if (OC1) see_stage(), see_actors(); } combat_over: if (OC1) see_stage(), see_actors(); points = 0; for (struct actor *a = actors; a < new_actor; a++) { if (!a->dead) points += a->hit_points; } if (OC1) printf("---\nrounds: %d\npoints: %d\noutcome: ", rounds, points); printf("%d\n", rounds * points); return error; }